love spells, money spells, health spells, magic spells

magic spells       
      Crafted spells to help you get what you want from life
love spells

Are you ready to change your life for just £15?

Firstly, if you are wondering why I charge so little for my spell work when other sites charge up to 4 times this amount, the answer is simple. As a practioner of Magick and a follower of the Wiccan tradition, I do not believe that money should be accepted for the work I do for others. I like to look at this small payment as a donation that covers my small costs and allows me to continue helping those in need. I have been a solo practitioner of the craft for over 18 years and have helped many people to change and control their destiny by using magic spells and rituals that really work. Magic, or Magick as it is properly known, can be a very powerful tool if you know how to use it correctly. Unfortunately, many people still believe that by lighting a few candles and reciting spells found in books or on the internet, that their problems will be solved. Sadly, this is not the case. If this was true, then everybody in the world would have plenty of money, a fantastic relationship and no health worries. For magic to work it must be performed by practioners that have spent many years fine tuning their craft. There is no point going to your local book store, buying a book on magick and expecting the spells to work. Believe me. They wont !

How can I help you?

From Love Spells and Money Spells to Health Spells and Protection Spells, all of my magic spells have been tried and tested over many years with good results.The reason that my spells are so very powerful is down to the simple fact that you will not be working the spell alone. I will be working the spell with you. I will give you precise instructions of when to work the spell so that I will be able to attune with you and add powerful intent to the magic spell or spells you are performing. I will also be performing many of the important ritual parts of the spell for you so that you do not have to concern yourself with the more detailed work involved. By working this way, I can be sure that the spell is being performed correctly.

Do I need any special tools or knowledge to perform the spells?

No! There are a few basic things you will need that you will either have in the house anyway or will be able to get from your local shops. As for a knowledge of the craft, I will be working with you and so this is not important.

What exactly will I need?

Most of my spells will require you to have the following available:
Candles - Colours are dependent on the spell you will be working
Candle oils - Instructions will be given on how to make the oils you will need
Herbs - I will tell you how to charge and purify the herbs which you can purchase from any supermarket
Salt - Sea salt is the best. Again, I will give instructions of how to purify the salt before use

There will be a few other items you will need depending on the spell you are working but again these will be inexpensive and readily available to you.

What else do I need to know?

You should be able to find the answers to any other questions you have in my FAQ. However, if there is anything else you wish to know then please do not hesitate to contact me.


All of my spells are perfomed using ritual White Magic and Earth Magic and when used and performed correctly, ritual magic can be a very powerful tool. However, many of the free spells and rituals that can be found on the internet are usually adaptations of ritual spirit magic and black magic that have been copied from grimoirs and personal books of shadows. I would suggest that unless you are working with a trained practitioner of the craft that you do not attempt to try any spells or rituals that contain magical names or ask for specific bodily materials such as blood, hair or fingernails. Most of these spells and rituals are closely connected with the dark arts and can have disastrous outcomes. These are not a form of natural magic and should be left well alone.


love spells
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